These are some of my vacation pictures!

Taken in September, 2006

Presenting: San Francisco

Every photo album of San Francisco has to start with the Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge

Next is a cable car, another requirement of a San Fran photo album!
cable car

This is a shot of Market Street as taken from Twin Peaks.

One of my favorite places in San Francisco is the Palace Of Fine Arts.
It is a huge building that was built for the World Expo at the turn of the century.

Palace of Fine Arts

Notice the detail that surrounds this magnificent building.
Also notice how small people look next to it.
palace detail

Here is a close up of some of the artwork.
palace women

This is an interesting mural painted on the side of a building
building mural

This is the magnificent San Francisco State Building.
S F State Building

This street corner got it's claim to fame in the late 60's and 70's.
Many rock and roll bands got their start in this colorful neighborhood.
Haight Ashbury

I have some pictures of San Francisco's Chinatown, I just need to find the time to post them.
Click below for my other vacation pictures

Vancouver, Canada


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