The Cosmic Lobster highly recommends
these natural wonders!
Arches National Park
Incredible works of art created by nature!
This spectacular arch is Landscape Arch
At 291 feet, it is virtually a football field long,
but it is only a foot wide at the narrowest point!
For some perspective, look for the man standing in the shade of the arch
OK, now I'm the guy who is standing in the shade of Landscape Arch
This is what it looks like from underneath
The arch was about 80 or 90 feet above my head but I had to zoom in to avoid the glare of the sun
This is Double Arch in Arches National Park
It's easy to see many familiar looking things in the strange formations
And when viewed from a different angle, it looks totally different
OK, the one on the left is obviously a sheep's head
and the other one looks like an Aardvark . . .
I plan to spend a lot more time in Arches N P on my next visit
I bought this 1964 Dodge 1/2 Ton Pickup as salvage and fully restored it
I took it to Zion, Arches, Yellowstone and many points in between
I had to bump start it in Idaho and coasted out of gas into a gas station in Utah,
but aside from that it was a fun trip
Other interesting natural oddities
Take a look at this massive rock sitting on its tiny perch
Man is no match for what nature can create
You can stand directly underneath millions of tons of rock
This picture was taken in southeast Utah
Every single rock everywhere in sight is this exact color for miles around in every direction
These rocks look custom made for a Road Runner cartoon
Utah has a multitude of unique rock formations in every color and shape
And that's all I'm gonna say about these rocks!!
Thanks for looking at my assorted Nature pictures!
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